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Increasing Access to Sustainable Wage Careers in the Fire Services

KQED Science Reporter Danielle Venton writes an engaging article on Marin County's own, FIRE Foundry!

EXCERPT: "We're trying to break that mold," said Marin County Fire Chief Jason Weber, who initiated the idea for Fire Foundry, which helps trainees build the skills for long-term, well-paying jobs. "We're trying to break systemic cycles of poverty, generational poverty, and that has to do with the importance of a sustainable wage career." Read the KQED Science article here.

What is FIRE Foundry?

"A pathway with outlets, people to support you" Tee Lockett (FF Recruit 22')

FIRE Foundry is a workforce development program based in Marin County focused on increasing diversity in fire service locally and broadly across fire departments. FIRE Foundry's goal is to increase access to sustainable wage careers in the fire services for women and people of color currently underrepresented in the sector.

Find answers to  frequently asked questions about FIRE Foundry, such as what you need to qualify, what support and wrap-around services are provided, how large a commitment you need to make and when the next cohort application period closes by clicking here!

Applications are now open!

Have you already been working towards your career in fire service? Never thought it was a career opportunity that you could pursue? Somewhere in the middle? Perfect, we're here to help. Apply today to join FIRE Foundry's 2023 cohort. We are accepting applications now. Apply today!

(FIRE Foundry is funded and in partnership with the MWPA and Measure C)

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