MWPA Home Hardening & Defensible Space Grant Programs

This project webpage describes MWPA grant programs as approved in the annual MWPA Work Plans. MWPA currently administers two grants opportunities to help residents within its jurisdiction with expenses related to the creation of defensible space and home hardening. These two grants are funded by Measure C “core funds” for cross-jurisdictional projects.

Home Hardening Grants. Applicants can apply for a MWPA home hardening grant up to $5000 to match their own, equivalent investment. Select home hardening improvements, such as vents and gutter guards, will not require a match in order to incentivize residents to resolve the highest priority discoveries first. For fiscal year 2022-23, $125,000 in home hardening grant funds are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Funds are also supplemented by unspent funds from the FY21-22 program.

Defensible Space Grants. Applicants can apply for up to $1,000 through the defensible space grant application with no match required. For fiscal year 2022-23, $125,000 in defensible space grant funds are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Funds are also supplemented by unspent funds from the FY21-22 program.

Access and Functional Needs. Subject to workforce availability and budget constraints, an MWPA grant manager will also work with eligible residents who are experiencing financial hardship to directly fund work required to resolve home hardening and defensible space discoveries that were identified during an evaluation. 

MWPA’s grant programs are integrated with the Defensible Space and Home Hardening Evaluation program so that residents can use grant funds to help remediate issues found during the evaluation. Beginning in the 2022-23 fiscal year, all Marin residents within MWPA’s jurisdiction are eligible to participate in the MWPA Resident Grant program, but the property needs to have received a free Defensible Space and Home Hardening Evaluation.

To apply for a grant, visit the MWPA Resident Grant webpage. Other local grants opportunities are listed on the Fire Safe Marin Grants page, and require a separate application process.

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