Fire Aside Subscription for Defensible Space Evaluations

After a successful pilot program in Central and West Marin in 2021, the Fire Aside Defensible Space Inspection Application was launched for all areas under MWPA’s jurisdiction during the 2021-2022 fiscal year. This application allows inspectors to collect extensive data in the field, create detailed inspection reports, and build a database that can measure progress toward wildfire resilience at the county scale. Residents receive a highly customized and interactive report about their property’s ability to survive a wildfire along with specific information about issues found during the evaluation. The report links to a range of resources to help resolve issues found during the inspection, including MWPA's resident grant program. Continued use of the app will require continued annual fees and maintenance. 

Inspection reports are available on the MWPA’s Defensible Space and Home Hardening Evaluation webpage, which is integrated with Chipper Days, Grant Programs, and other resources to help residents remediate issues found during the evaluation.



Approval Meeting

CEQA Documentation



Marin wild fire projects

Project Type

Fire Resistant Homes

Lead Agency

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