UCCE Marin Master Gardeners Programs

Learn more about the Marin Master Gardeners

The Marin Master Gardeners is a dedicated, trained group of volunteers with a shared love of gardening and horticulture. Through community service and educational outreach, they provide home gardeners and community organizations with the knowledge and skills to create a healthy environment for Marin County. Marin Master Gardeners work as non-paid staff members of the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE), answering public inquiries and providing information on all areas of plant health and gardening practices.

In fiscal years 2021-2023, these funds support the UCCE Marin Master Gardeners in developing educational material, expanding online resources, publishing educational articles, and delivering speaker series. These programs focus on homeowner and landscape professional education to achieve defensible space and Fire-Smart Landscaping.



Approval Meeting


CEQA Documentation



Marin wild fire projects

Project Type

Public Education

Lead Agency

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