West Marin Zone Hi-Lo Sirens

This project will upgrade the apparatus siren control panels to Hi Lo capabilities for Stinson Beach Fire Protection District, Bolinas Fire Protection District, Muir Beach Volunteer Fire Department, Inverness Public Utility District, and Nicasio Volunteer Fire Department. These smaller agencies isolated in West Marin County lack the guarantee of 24/7 law enforcement. Several Marin County law enforcement agencies have unified to create public education campaigns so that Hi Lo "European style" sirens are associated with evacuation orders. These five fire agencies also provide first due response and evacuation notice for the following critical facilities and properties that host a large number of visitors that need an alert system for evacuations: the Point Reyes National Seashore, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Muir Woods National Monument, California State Parks, Marin County Parks, and Nicasio Reservoir. Upgrading to Hi Lo siren capabilities better equips staff to protect West Marin communities, visitors, and critical infrastructure by increasing the means to alert the public in the event of a major wildfire. 



Approval Meeting


CEQA Documentation


West Marin
Marin wild fire projects

Project Type

Alert & Warning Systems

Lead Agency

Stinson Beach Fire Protection District
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