San Rafael Zone Fire Roads: Vegetation Removal & Enhancements

Example of improved road access for first responders

This project focuses on improving access and maintenance of fire roads through a comprehensive inventory, fuel reduction efforts, signage, and other maintenance. This will help to ensure roads are passable and navigable by first responder vehicles and equipment, able to act as an anchor point for fire suppression or prescribed fire activities, and are self-sustaining to reduce dependence on regular grading. Environmental compliance for this project is complete and implementation/maintenance is ongoing.

Relevant Projects



Approval Meeting

August 19, 2021

CEQA Documentation

Notice of Exemption/Supporting Memo/Project Map
Notice of Exemption/Supporting Memo/Project Map


San Rafael
Marin wild fire projects

Project Type

Shaded/ Non-shaded Fuel Break

Lead Agency

City of San Rafael
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