Novato Zone HOA Defensible Space & City of Novato Open Space Project

This project includes fuels treatment by removing and thinning vegetation along the perimeter of private lands, Homeowners Association (HOA) common areas, and City of Novato-managed lands. Project activities target non-native invasive vegetation, dead and down woody debris, and other fire hazardous vegetation while seeking to retain healthy native plant communities. This project represents a combination of two separate proposals from the fiscal year 2021-22 Work Plan: Homeowner Association Defensible Space/Chipper Program and City of Novato Open Space Project. Environmental compliance for this project is complete and implementation/maintenance is ongoing.

Relevant Projects



Approval Meeting

CEQA Documentation

Notice of Exemption/Supporting Memo/Project Map
Notice of Exemption/Supporting Memo/Project Map


Marin wild fire projects

Project Type

Vegetation Management

Lead Agency

Novato Fire Protection District
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