Ridgecrest Fuel Reduction Project (previously called Throckmorton Ridge Vegetation Management Zone)

This project is in collaboration with Marin County Fire District, Southern Marin Fire District, Mill Valley Fire Department, and California State Parks. The project is a re-entry treatment from a fuels project completed 10 years ago along Ridgecrest Boulevard on the top of Mount Tam. The property owned by the California State Park system is immediately below the Throckmorton Ridge community and immediately above Muir Woods National Monument. Environmental compliance for this project is complete and implementation/maintenance is ongoing.

Relevant Projects



Approval Meeting

November 18, 2021

CEQA Documentation

Notice of Exemption/Supporting Memo/Project Map
Notice of Exemption/Supporting Memo/Project Map


Southern Marin
Marin wild fire projects

Project Type

Shaded/ Non-shaded Fuel Break

Lead Agency

California Department of Parks and Recreation
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