This project includes vegetation management adjacent to roads to enhance ingress and egress of emergency vehicles and residents during a wildfire emergency along evacuation routes and other roadways in several communities of West Marin. Vegetation management activities will target invasive vegetation, dead and down woody debris, and other fire hazardous vegetation while seeking to retain and encourage healthy native plant communities within 10 feet of the road edges and 15 feet above roadways, as required by County Fire Code. This project includes collaboration with several communities in West Marin who will contribute funding or labor. Many of the communities within the project area are registered Firewise communities. CEQA compliance for this project is complete and a permit through the Marin County Local Coastal Program has been acquired. Roughly 10 miles of the 24.7 miles have been treated as of summer 2024.
Project Update 1/21/25: Project activities took a pause during winter rains and while updated contracts were initiated with the contractor. Work activities will resume in Inverness on Woodhaven and Kehoe Way during the week of January 27-31. Work will pause in Inverness before the start of the nesting season for Northern Spotted Owl (Feb 1). The crew will then work in Bolinas and Stinson Beach (locations, dates TBD). We'll share these details as they are available. As usual, biologists will survey the project area before work takes place and flag any areas to avoid. Marin County Fire staff will manage the crew in coordination with local member agencies. Please see below for an updated FAQ document with project maps.
Project Update 11/8/24: The project kicked off on November 4 with an environmental awareness training in English and Spanish. The project biologist flagged off sensitive areas and provided necessary information for the crew to protect resources. Marin County Fire staff is managing the crew's work. The first work areas include East/West Roberts Drives and North/South Dream Farm Roads in Inverness.
Project Update 10/24/24: Marin Wildfire and Marin County Fire staff have secured a contract for vegetation management activities to start as early as the first week of November. Crews will be guided by fire professionals and project biologists who will ensure protection of sensitive resources. Work will begin in Inverness on East/West Roberts Drives and North/South Dream Farm Roads.
Project Update 10/3/24: Marin Wildfire and Marin County Fire staff are working to secure a contract for vegetation management activities to take place this fall and winter. Crews will be guided by fire professionals and project biologists who will ensure protection of sensitive resources. Work will begin in Inverness on East/West Roberts Drives and North/South Dream Farm Roads in October or November 2024. Stay tuned for an official start date!
Project Update 8/19/24: On September 19, 2024, the Marin Wildfire Board of Directors approved the expansion of the West Marin Zone Evacuation Route Core Project (identified in the FY 2021-22, FY 2022-23, FY 2023-24, and FY 2024-25 work plans). The expansion approved vegetation treatment along 95 miles of evacuation routes and approximately 6 miles of fire roads. The expansion project involves evacuation route treatment within typically 10 feet of road edges but up to 25 feet from road edges. Fire road treatment includes trimming encroaching and overhanging vegetation within the fire road to road edge. Additionally, the previously approved coastal zone vegetation treatment along approximately 14.3 miles of roadways under the West Marin Zone Evacuation Route Core Project has been expanded to allow treatment up to 25 feet from road edge where needed.
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