Mill Valley Summit & Ralston Fuel Break

Map of approximate area

The objective of this project is to establish and maintain defensible space zones along the perimeters of the City of Mill Valley residential hillside communities in the area of Summit Drive and Ralston Avenue. This area includes approximately 48.5 acres with dense stands of unmaintained trees and brush, including Scotch and French broom on steep south-facing slopes, posing a significant hazard. Project activities target invasive vegetation, dead and down woody debris, and other fire hazardous vegetation while seeking to retain healthy native plant communities. The project will reduce fire intensity near homes and improve the chances that suppression efforts would be successful in the event of a wildfire. Environmental compliance for this project is complete and implementation/maintenance is ongoing.

Relevant Projects



Approval Meeting

CEQA Documentation

Notice of Exemption/Supporting Memo/Project Map
Notice of Exemption/Supporting Memo/Project Map


Southern Marin
Marin wild fire projects

Project Type

Vegetation Management

Lead Agency

Southern Marin Fire Protection District
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