Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break Project

Use slider bar above to explore an example of a shaded fuelbreak, before and after treatment

The Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break (GRVSFB) is a 38-mile shaded fuel break running along the edges of about 1,700 parcels. The fuel reduction zone includes about 1,800 acres in unincorporated Marin County, the City of Larkspur, City of Mill Valley, Town of Fairfax, Town of Ross, Town of Corte Madera, Town of San Anselmo, and Kentfield. The project is designed to slow the spread of wildfire to give firefighters time and space to suppress the flames. This project would reduce fire risk to several communities in the wildland urban interface (otherwise known as the WUI) while improving forest and ecosystem health by reducing non-native plant cover. 

Project planning was completed in the 2021-22 fiscal year and included mapping, modeling, project design, collaboration with partner agencies, public outreach, field surveys, and environmental compliance. Project implementation began in summer 2022 and continues. Future maintenance will include phased implementation of recommended vegetation management activities along the shaded fuel break.

The Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break Project is a collaboration of MWPA, Marin County Fire Department, Ross Valley Fire Department, Kentfield Fire Protection District, and Central Marin Fire Department.

Project Update, Spring 2024: In year 1 (summer 2022 - Jan 2023) and year 2 (spring/summer 2023 - Dec 2023), approximately 20 miles of project area was completed. Crews will kick off year 3 starting August 1, 2024 and will continue to work in the Cascade Canyon area as well as the Sky Ranch and Bald Hill neighborhoods southward toward the Town of Ross. Please see THIS FIGURE showing project phases. Please note that this work spans both public and private properties. If you have received a right of entry form, your property may overlap this project area. If so, please make sure to return the right of entry form to Marin Wildfire by mail or submit it digitally using the link below.

This project is funded by Measure C and a generous grant through the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection’s Wildfire Prevention Grant Program.

Did you receive a letter from us recently?

The Property Owner Right of Entry Form is intended to grant permission to MWPA employees, contractors, and partner agency employees to access private property while providing services as part of the GRVSFB project. If your property is within the project area you may have received this form in the mail. Please sign and return the form digitally by clicking "here", or mailing the hard copy to 1600 Los Gamos, Suite 345, San Rafael, CA 94903. If you have misplaced your copy you may print it yourself or contact us to request another at or

The following public events have occurred for the Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break Project. To receive info regarding future project meetings, please send an email to: Future public events for this project will also be advertised on this project webpage and included in the MWPA community calendar. Project neighbors will generally receive a mailed postcard advertising relevant public events in their area. Additionally, follow MWPA on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the latest information and updates. 

8/17/22 Site Visit: Terra Linda/Sleepy Hollow Preserve, 9:30am-noon. Nearly 50 people joined a field trip to explore the first phase of the Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break Project. 

7/26/22 Public Meeting: Sleepy Hollow Community Center, 6-7:30pm, with remote viewing option provided. At this meeting, residents and stakeholders learned about the first phases of project implementation. Presentations, posters, and handouts are posted below.

Presentation Video: Available here

Presentation Slides: Available here

Project Map Posters:

     Poster 1: Overall Project Area

     Poster 2: Phase 1 Project Area

     Poster 3: CalVTP Process

     Poster 4: Treatments within the Project Area

Project Summary Handout: Available here

3/10/22 Public Meeting: The MWPA and participating member agencies hosted an online public meeting via zoom on March 10, 2022 from 6-8pm to share information about the Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break Project.

Topics included:

• A description of the project and its goals and objectives

• Fuels management methods and monitoring

• California Vegetation Treatment Program (CalVTP) environmental review process

Public Meeting Announcement

Meeting Agenda

Main Presentation Slides

Breakout Room 1 Slides: Vegetation Treatments

Breakout Room 2 Slides: Methods and Modeling

Breakout Room 3 Slides: Environmental Resources and Compliance Process

Video: Main Presentation and Breakout Room 1 (all 3 sessions)

Video: Breakout Room 2 (all 3 sessions)

Video: Breakout Room 3 (all 3 sessions)

FAQs & Photo Examples

Frequently Asked Questions - Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break

Photos of Treated Areas

Environmental Documents

The Greater Ross Valley Shaded Fuel Break Planning Project (GRVSFB) includes activities covered by CAL FIRE’s California Vegetation Treatment Program (CalVTP) Program Environmental Impact Report (PEIR). That analysis is available here: Project Specific Analysis (PSA)-Addendum

More Project Resources

Overall figure showing project phasing.

Draft Project Area Maps (updated 3/10/22)

To view the project area spatially, click on this link: Overview KMZ and download the file. This file is viewable using Google Earth and allows the user to navigate and zoom into different parts of the project area. Open the file with or install Google Earth - use these instructions.

Note: The KMZ file shows the shaded fuel break as 300 feet wide, although typically fuel and forest health restoration treatments would occur within a 200-foot-wide zone.


Summer and Fall 2024 work areas will include the Cascade Canyon and Deer Park areas of Fairfax. If you live in these areas and you haven't already done so, please submit a right-to-enter form through our project webpage above.

Relevant Projects



Approval Meeting

June 16, 2022

CEQA Documentation



Central Marin
Marin wild fire projects

Project Type

Shaded/ Non-shaded Fuel Break

Lead Agency

MWPA in collaboration with Central Marin Fire Department
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